Bioshock Infinite will have reversible cover

Earlier this month the official box art for Bioshock Infinite was unveiled and there was some ruffling of internet feathers as to how much that thing sort of sucked. But this is not a post about that, but rather to let you know that Ken has announced that the game will ship with a reversible cover. This has been done in games like Resistance 3 and others, and quite frankly it’s a bloody great idea.

The image on the right may or may not be my favorite of the bunch, but to check out the rest and how to vote on it you can head over to Irrational Games and read all about it.

There will also be covers available for download and print.

Check out our Bioshock Infinite page for news, screens and videos.

  1. Bård A. Johnsen dFUSE says:

    They’re all pretty great! Except the real cover :)

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