Sony to unveil PS4 Virtual Reality headset at TGS

According to CVG Sony is going to showcase a Virtual Reality headset this fall at TGS. The head-mounted 3D display, much like the Oculus Rift, is supposed to be in it’s final stages before being shown publicly. Sources say that Evolution Studios, known for making MotorStorm, are working with the tech for DriveClub on PS4.

  1. dFUSE Baj says:

    So, would you use this? Anyone tried the rift and fallen in love?

    • dFUSE dFUSE says:

      Yes, I was actually really interested in their “3d viewer” when it came out a few years back, priced reasonably I don’t think I can resist getting this gadget. The timing is pretty weird with Rift coming out soon too though.

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