Twisted Metal arrives with the sound of machineguns

The – for some – long awaited Twisted Metal finally released today in the US, bringing back vehicle mayhem with a dash of humor, Sweeth Tooth and what some reviews call the perfect party game. What’s your take on the return of Jaffes PS1 wonderchild?

Twisted Metal might have the coolest ad campaign in a long time, giving fans of the series a chance to shoot stuff up in the middle of the desert. With a fully loaded M249 SAW you can remotely control – and fire – the gun at anything in the range, with the main prize being the famous Ice cream truck. You can check it out at

The game carries a set of trophies which requires not only skill and patience, but also dedication. All Sales Are Final asks you to win a ranked online game every day for 30 days, while TMA wants you to complete the story mode without dying or switching cars. While the campaign is said to be on the very short side as multiplayer is the main focus here, why not try that on Twisted difficulty? The rest requires doing various objectives, finishing stories, reaching max rank and trying out some coop playing. Check out the full list at our Twisted Metal page.

While it’s a bit early to say anything for certain, a bunch of reviews are in and most of them positive. Check out some of them below or visit Metacritic to get the full list.

IGNs review-in-process:

  1. Bård A. Johnsen dFUSE says:

    I’m mesmerized by watching that thing shoot random stuff in the middle of nowhere. Such a fun ad campaign! @shootmytruck

    • Bård A. Johnsen Baj says:

      Dunno who did the shooting while I was watching, but someone needs to work on his/hers aim :p

    • Bård A. Johnsen dFUSE says:

      Maybe they didnt want to shoot up all the pretty targets before they got the public online shooting to work!

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