Weekly podcast roundup 16

Here’s the summary of this week’s gaming podcasts, week 16.

Giant Bombcast
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New father Vinny Caravella returns to the Giant Bombcast with champagne wishes and baby-deathwatch dreams! We also talk a whole lot about FEZ, Kickstarter, The Witcher 2, and more.
Weekend Confirmed
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Episode 109
This weekend gets confirmed as Garnett, Jeff and Jeff are joined by Screen Tear host Carlos Rodela to discuss the announcement of God of War: Ascension, new pray 2 developments, and share their feelings about Trials Evolutions and Fez.
Podcast Beyond
The Podcast Beyond crew talks about the announcement of God of War: Ascension. They’re also talking a bit about the NHL Playoffs (but not too much).
Official PlayStation Blogcast
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Episde 21
Capcom’s Seth Killian is back to give us the latest on SF X Tekken Vita, RE6 and more, while Blog Correspondent Andy Burt regales us on Ni no Kuni and other Namco happenings. Plus plenty of upcoming game impressions, and the new PSN releases for 04/24!
Gamers With Jobs
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Episode 208
The crew talks about Legend of Grimrock, Fez, Firefall, Amoebattle, Tribes: Ascend and the games of PAX East.
The Joystiq Show
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Joystick and Kid Insanity talk abou irresponsible reporters, Final Fantasy VII is overrated (Zealow calls blasphemy), 1337ology.com and examin La. Noire, Brink and Portal 2.
8-4 Play
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The 8-4 crew talks about Fire Emblem Awakening, Dark Souls PC, Fez, Wii U cost and price, Valve and Apple and a new Ocarina of Time world Record.


  1. Zealow dFUSE says:

    Nice, gonna give Weekend Confirmed a listen now!

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