Introducing the OWL for Killzone: Shadow Fall

Introducing the OWL for Killzone: Shadow Fall

What exactly is an OWL?

When damaged, the OWL automatically returns and regenerates health until it receives an order again.

What can the OWL do?

The OWL has several modes you can access via the new PS4 Controller Touch Pad: Attack Mode, Zipline Mode, Stun Mode and Shield Mode.

• Attack Mode orders the OWL to move to an area and attack anyone within range; alternatively, you can tell it to attack a single enemy directly.

• Zipline Mode gets the OWL to fire a zipline, allowing the Shadow Marshal to traverse incredibly quickly from point A to B.

• Stun Mode is similar to Attack Mode, but lets the OWL use up its energy to create an area-of-effect shock blast that turns off all nearby electronics and stuns humanoid enemies within range.

• Shield Mode creates an energy shield right in front of the Shadow Marshal, allowing bullets/projectiles to pass through from his POV but stopping bullets coming in from the other side.

Where did the idea for the OWL come from?

We wanted to give the player more control over buddies in our game, and we quickly gravitated towards utilizing our futuristic theme to create something very technologically advanced and also extremely useful in the field. It was important that it was easy to use in the fray of battle and have suitable abilities for every type of situation the game throws at you, on top of all the other abilities/weapons the Shadow Marshal has at his disposal.


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