Things have gone a bit pear-shaped in Far Cry New Dawn and you need to set things right

Cleaning up the mess after a nuclear blast might not be the time of your life, but seems necessary in order to create normality for people and animals alike. As normal as it can get when everything seems to bloom with a dash of pink and reindeer roam the woods with the red antlers and confused looks.

Hope county has changed, and so have the people within it. As fate and video game storytelling would have it, the people within will eventually be the least of your troubles as twin sisters Mickey and Lou set their hungry sights on Hope. They are not bringing tales of wonder and delightful picnics, but guns and a thirst for blood. So here you are, saving Hope once again.

Far Cry New Dawn seems to have bigger ambitions than a changed color palette, with the inclusion of expeditions; missions that will take you outside the borders of Hope and knee deep into unknown territories. The action that unfolds there changes between visits, so you never know exactly what’s going to happen.

Training and setting up a resistance with the help of the Survivors might be a fight that every cell of your body intends to go through with, but perhaps a bunch of DIY weapons and vehicles will ease the salty sting of the past. Seems necessary though, because Mickey and Lou apparently aren’t messing around.

Far Cry New Dawn is a stand-alone expansion and expected to release on February 15 next year.

Ready to dive back into Hope?

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