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Dark Void PS3

Dark Void

* Sci-Fi action-adventure combines aerial and on-foot combat for unparallel 3D third-person shooter experience
* Gravity-defying vertical combat system where moving up is the only way to bring your enemies down
* Unique grip system that allows the players to scale walls jumping from surface to surface or hijack UFO's while in mid-air
* Explosive hover and rocket pack and special in-air moves allow players to fly with reckless abandon while performing hair-raising stunts
* Mysterious thought-provoking storyline based on conspiracy theory and strange phenomenon
* Main character, Will, is a regular pilot turned unlikely superhero in a wild ride to save humanity
* The Void - a mind-bending parallel world where an evil alien race called, "The Watchers," are waiting...
  • US January 19, 2009
  • EU January 22, 2009
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Airtight Games
Publisher: Capcom
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