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Kangokutou Mary Skelter Vita

Kangokutou Mary Skelter

Kangokuto Mary Skelter is set in a universe where 1999's Japan is home to cities such as 'Jail,' a living prison that was birthed and then subsequently swallowed by the earth and buried 666 meters below ground. As a result of this cataclysmic event hostile monsters known a "Marchen" began to appear, threatening the safety of humans. Kangokuto Mary Skelter follows male protagonist 'Jack' and heroines several decades after this massive event as they aim to escape their prison-home. The girls' unique reaction to the Marchen's blood provides them with increased physical abilities that will allow them a chance at freedom.
  • US September 19, 2017
  • EU September 22, 2017
  • JP October 13, 2016
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Compile Heart
Publisher: Compile Heart
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