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Musou Orochi 2 PS3

Musou Orochi 2

Shattering time and space, the venomous Serpent King Orochi kidnapped the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors in a scheme to test his might. The heroes eventually defeated Orochi and his menacing army. While the slain Orochi lies in the netherworld, a mysterious alliance is hatching an otherworldly plan so that the Serpent King may rise again. Now a new group of warriors must join forces with history's finest in an effort to stop this evil resurrection.
Warriors Orochi 2 takes place after the events of the original game. The game's main Story Mode features storylines for the kingdoms of Wu, Wei, and Shu, and the Samurai Warriors, while a new Orochi storyline looks back to the first series of wars to expose some of the Serpent King's secrets.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP December 22, 2011
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Omega Force
Publisher: Tecmo KOEI
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