Dream Club Zero Portable
Dream Club Zero Portable is a dating sim video game. The game is a prequel to Dream Club and basically a Japanese hostess game where the player gets drunk with the hostess while trying to gain her favor.
The goal of the game is to achieve a «happy ending» (not as sordid as it sounds) with a hostess working at the club, by repeatedly visiting her there and eventually winning her heart. The player has to raise money in order to visit the club, and this is done by doing small part-time jobs. To perform the jobs, the player simply has to pick one out of 2-4 work options; the result of the work is immediately displayed and money is collected.
The money is spent on club entrance, drinks for both the player and the selected hostess, and gifts for the hostesses. The majority of the game is spent at the club, one-on-one with a hostess of choice - trying to increase her level of affection for the player by giving her desired presents, and scoring high on mini-games such as karaoke. The player's performance over repeated visits determines whether or not a happy ending with the particular hostess is achieved, or if the player is left lonesome and unable to return to the club due to expired membership. Events can also lead to the hostess not falling in love, but want to stay friends.
- US N/A
- EU N/A
- JP December 17, 2011