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Mega Man X5 PS3

Mega Man X5

Mega Man returns for more wild action in MEGA MAN X5. This time around, terrorists have attacked an asteroid colony and turned off its artificial gravity. Now, it is up to Mega Man and his friend Zero to defeat the terrorists, turn the gravity on, and keep the colony from crashing into the Earth. The gameplay is what fans of the series have come to expect: Mega Man must use his blasters and bombs to make his way through eight levels of running, jumping, and shooting action. If you decide to play as Zero, you will have to use a plasma sword and some cunning to get through the same levels. In either case, the characters will have to face tough bosses that have unique abilities. Once a boss is defeated, Mega Man and Zero can utilize the boss's talents. Only Mega Man and Zero can save the colony and the Earth in MEGA MAN X5.
  • US September 9, 2014
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom

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