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Shiness PS4


After a fateful meeting with a mysterious being called Terra, a spirit that only he can see, Chado is given a mission to find the “Land of Life”. Hidden in this land are the secrets of Shi, the magic that governs the world. In Chado’s way, a brutal war erupts from two sister-kingdoms, Adorya and Adorn, leaving the shattered world of Mahera in the middle of a power-struggle. But are things really as they seem? Conspiracies and the dastardly forces of evil await Chado and his new allies. Your decisions will determine the destiny of the planet and the outcome of the war.
  • US April 18, 2017
  • EU April 18, 2017
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Enigami
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive

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