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Well Rounded.

Kill an enemy with every weapon
Gold gold trophy
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Modern Marvels

1 trophy tip

- C-78 Autoloading Pistol
- MK 1 Service Revolver
- M2 Falchion Auto-Rifle
- Duelist Revolver
- M82 Selfloader Carbine
- M85 Automatisch
- M84 Marksman Carbine
- RA-5 Repeating Shotgun
- M86 Thermite Rifle
- C-81 Maschinenpistole
- Three Crown Coach Gun
- T-23 Arc Induction Lance
- M4 Dragoon Revolver
- MK IV Grenade
- TS-29 Cannon
- TS-17 Detonator
- Repeating Arbalest
StipeyBy Baj
0 recommendations
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