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Blue-Collar Astronaut PS3

Blue-Collar Astronaut

Blue-Collar Astronaut is a quick to pick up and play, physics based space flight genre-buster that will have you literally and figuratively exploring upwards mobility.
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon
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Developer: Mutated Software
Publisher: Mutated Software
  • 26 Trophy bronze icon
  • 13 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Done did everything
Adjustment pixel Done did everything: You even did that one thing? Such dedication!
Student loan unlocked!
Adjustment pixel Student loan unlocked!: What would self-betterment be without a little hurdle?
Master of student loans
Adjustment pixel Master of student loans: Not one, but two for the price of two!
Dr. Loans DSD.
Adjustment pixel Dr. Loans DSD.: Doctorate prestige will vary.
Trail Blazer
Adjustment pixel Trail Blazer: Who put these cones here?
Call the gecko-caveman-money-sandwich thing
Adjustment pixel Call the gecko-caveman-money-sandwich thing: We make mascots and dabble in insurance.
Got further than Don
Adjustment pixel Got further than Don: Next stop, riches!
Adjustment pixel Shiny!: All that glitters is not Au.
Payin' down the plastic
Adjustment pixel Payin' down the plastic: Look at you. So responsible.
Adjustment pixel Studious: Paid your student loans down $2000. Because you're awesome.
Loan down!
Adjustment pixel Loan down!: The future is bright…er!
Pizza Perfect
Adjustment pixel Pizza Perfect: The pizza is safe… for now.
10-4 Good Buddy
Adjustment pixel 10-4 Good Buddy: You've trucked all there is to truck.
I pity the schoo!
Adjustment pixel I pity the schoo!: Teacher's pet.
Pizza robot got nothin' on me
Adjustment pixel Pizza robot got nothin' on me: In the distant future, pizza delivery is a matter of life and death... and pizza.
Outta my grill
Adjustment pixel Outta my grill: Took the worst the universe could throw at you.
With honors
Adjustment pixel With honors: The classiest of the top of the class.
Pizza without fail
Adjustment pixel Pizza without fail: No challenge is too great when it comes to getting great pizza to the masses.
The way of the space road
Adjustment pixel The way of the space road: Clearly truckin' runs at the core of you.
Keep those expenses low
Adjustment pixel Keep those expenses low: Some things you can't learn in school. Although fuel conservation appears to not be one of those things.
Get it there cheap
Adjustment pixel Get it there cheap: Pizza is a game of profit margin and you've mastered it.
Semi… expensive
Adjustment pixel Semi… expensive: Get it? One of my favorite puns so far.
Kid genius
Adjustment pixel Kid genius: Finished school in under 10 minutes!
No money back
Adjustment pixel No money back: Pizza on time. Every. Time.
Sleep is overrated
Adjustment pixel Sleep is overrated: Payed for three day shipping. Got it in two. #winning
Not a scratch!
Adjustment pixel Not a scratch!: The resale value has held up amazingly!
Adjustment pixel I AM ASTRONAUT: Stared into the void. Laughed.
Keep it topped off
Adjustment pixel Keep it topped off: You're so green, you could be any alien from an old sci-fi film.
Master of time
Adjustment pixel Master of time: Time is relatively precious.
Living on a prayer
Adjustment pixel Living on a prayer: WooooooOOOOh we're half way there.
<Insert kitty poster>
Adjustment pixel <Insert kitty poster>: Hang in there.
Adjustment pixel ONE HUNDRED PERCENT: This is the maximum percent for any game that cares about math. Thanks for playing!
You're a hero!
Adjustment pixel You're a hero!: Defender of the masses. Or at least people who won't leave without their pizza.
There can only be one
Adjustment pixel There can only be one: Spacelander. Coming to theaters near you.
Oh no!
Adjustment pixel Oh no!: If a planet is destroyed a galaxy over, and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Asteroid defense could use more funding
Adjustment pixel Asteroid defense could use more funding: It's a big sky and there is a surprising amount in it.
Thanks for playing!
Adjustment pixel Thanks for playing!: ...and thanks for checking out the credits!
These things happen
Adjustment pixel These things happen: Somebody should really clean that graffiti up.
Hey! I'm napping here!
Adjustment pixel Hey! I'm napping here!: Let sleeping truckers lie.
Buy more sticky notes
Adjustment pixel Buy more sticky notes: A fantastic use of the last sticky note. That's just good planning.
One year in
Adjustment pixel One year in: It's been a blast... or two. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Master of the normal
Adjustment pixel Master of the normal: Aint nobody done normals like me.
Thy core is of a hard persuasion
Adjustment pixel Thy core is of a hard persuasion: The hardcore do understand.
4 players