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Cyber Shadow PS4

Cyber Shadow

The world has been taken over by synthetic lifeforms. A desperate plea for help sets Shadow on a journey to uncover what started the path to perpetual ruin. Slash through the techno hordes, leap past traps, and nimbly navigate the ruins of Mekacity.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Mechanical Head Studios
Publisher: Yacht Club Games
  • 28 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Ninja Master
Adjustment pixel Ninja Master: Obtain all trophies.
Adjustment pixel Pacifist: Reach the Smasher without killing enemies.
Adjustment pixel Smashing: Defeat Smasher without destroying the wall turrets.
Fight with honor
Adjustment pixel Fight with honor: Defeat the Apparitor without hitting him in the back.
Long distance
Adjustment pixel Long distance: Defeat Laserbrain without hitting it with your sword.
Wouldn't hurt a fly
Adjustment pixel Wouldn't hurt a fly: Complete Chapter 2 elevator without killing rust flies.
Not a scratch
Adjustment pixel Not a scratch: Defeat Scrambler without taking damage.
Focused effort
Adjustment pixel Focused effort: Defeat Hunter Tank without destroying the popup turrets.
Adjustment pixel Boring: Destroy 5 hunter bores.
Blade's plenty
Adjustment pixel Blade's plenty: Defeat Biohunter with sword only.
Live forever
Adjustment pixel Live forever: Reach the dojo without dying.
Dry socks
Adjustment pixel Dry socks: Defeat Mekadragon without falling into water.
Floor is lava
Adjustment pixel Floor is lava: Defeat six AI vessel defense system turrets without touching floor.
Ping pong
Adjustment pixel Ping pong: Defeat Subject Alpha v1 by parrying only.
Show off
Adjustment pixel Show off: Defeat Subject Alpha v2 with 0 SP at the start of battle.
Fast track
Adjustment pixel Fast track: Defeat Tunnel Cleaner in under 60 seconds.
Don't touch the paint
Adjustment pixel Don't touch the paint: Complete the bike ride without taking damage.
Attacking aggressively
Adjustment pixel Attacking aggressively: Defeat the Dropship in under 30 seconds.
This is my boat
Adjustment pixel This is my boat: Complete boat ride without teambots touching the deck.
Pogo master
Adjustment pixel Pogo master: Lightning strike the Combinatron head ten times without landing.
Eye for an eye
Adjustment pixel Eye for an eye: Defeat each of the small eyes before defeating Spiderail.
Lonely robot
Adjustment pixel Lonely robot: Find the lone robot in the train tunnel.
Tools of the trade
Adjustment pixel Tools of the trade: Find four different special items.
Adjustment pixel Gadgetmaster: Find eight different special items.
Adjustment pixel Airtime: Stay airborne for 30 seconds.
No you
Adjustment pixel No you: Parry 50 times.
Super ninja
Adjustment pixel Super ninja: Shadow dash through 10 enemies without touching ground.
Saving the clan
Adjustment pixel Saving the clan: Get shuriken.
Rise to the challenge
Adjustment pixel Rise to the challenge: Get rising fire.
Strike them down
Adjustment pixel Strike them down: Get airstrike.
Monkey around
Adjustment pixel Monkey around: Get wall slide.
Forged will
Adjustment pixel Forged will: Get katana forge.
Deflect evil
Adjustment pixel Deflect evil: Get parry.
Sudden movements
Adjustment pixel Sudden movements: Get dash.
Adjustment pixel Overpowered: Get charge.
Born ready
Adjustment pixel Born ready: Finish normal mode without collecting any HP or SP upgrades.
Maximum power
Adjustment pixel Maximum power: Find all SP upgrades.
A thousand souls
Adjustment pixel A thousand souls: Find all HP upgrades.
Returned to ethos
Adjustment pixel Returned to ethos: Finish normal mode.
Fast as lightning
Adjustment pixel Fast as lightning: Finish normal mode in under 3 hours.
Adjustment pixel 100%: Finish normal mode with all powerups collected.
6 players