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Guardian of Lore PS5

Guardian of Lore

A mystical library houses books of ancient folktales from lost civilizations. Play as prince Sayri, and protect these stories from wicked magic that aims to erase their memory forever. Enter each story and save it from within... or at least part of it.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon

Developer: Round2Games
Publisher: Round2Games
  • 5 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 7 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Guardian of Lore Platinum
Adjustment pixel Guardian of Lore Platinum: Unlock all other trophies.
Guardian Prospect
Adjustment pixel Guardian Prospect: Enter the Library for the first time.
Yerba Mate Legend Savior
Adjustment pixel Yerba Mate Legend Savior: Save the Yerba Mate Legend
Flower of Lirolay Savior
Adjustment pixel Flower of Lirolay Savior: Save Lirolay Flower Legend
The Guatavita's Cacique Legend Savior
Adjustment pixel The Guatavita's Cacique Legend Savior: Save the legend of Guatavita's Cacique
The Coatlicue and Coyolxuahqui Legend Savior
Adjustment pixel The Coatlicue and Coyolxuahqui Legend Savior: Save the Coatlicue and Coyolxuahqui Legend
Aya Huma Legend Savior
Adjustment pixel Aya Huma Legend Savior: Save the Aya Huma Legend
The Virgin and the Cherufe Legend Savior
Adjustment pixel The Virgin and the Cherufe Legend Savior: Save The Virgin and the Cherufe Legend
Sierras Nevadas de Merida Legend Savior
Adjustment pixel Sierras Nevadas de Merida Legend Savior: Save the Merida Snowy Mountains legend
Faster Than Light
Adjustment pixel Faster Than Light: Defeat the Library Guardian without equipping a shield
Bonfire Lit
Adjustment pixel Bonfire Lit: Lit the bonfire in the YerbaMate Hunter's camp
Sun Beam
Adjustment pixel Sun Beam: Get the Huitzilopochtli's Sword
Well of Doom
Adjustment pixel Well of Doom: Fall down the Yerba Mate 1B well and die
Adjustment pixel WorthFull: Defeat the Library Guardian without being hit
Exceptional Hunter
Adjustment pixel Exceptional Hunter: Defeat the Corrupted Yaguarete without being hit
Eagle Terminator
Adjustment pixel Eagle Terminator: Defeat the four eagles in Sierras Nevadas de Merida without being hit
Perfect Sibling
Adjustment pixel Perfect Sibling: Defeat the Flower of Lirolay Brothers without being hit
Coatlicue Perfect Hero
Adjustment pixel Coatlicue Perfect Hero: Defeat the Coyolxahuqui in the legend of Coatlicue without being hit
Gilded Hero
Adjustment pixel Gilded Hero: Defeat the Guatavita's Golden Colossus without being hit
Volcano Master
Adjustment pixel Volcano Master: Defeat the Cherufe without being hit
Move Buster
Adjustment pixel Move Buster: Save or defeat the single Aya Humas inside their legend without being hit
Grand Move Buster
Adjustment pixel Grand Move Buster: Save or defeat the two Aya Humas inside their legend without being hit
Perfect Guardian
Adjustment pixel Perfect Guardian: Defeat the final boss in the game without being hit
Adjustment pixel Headshot: Defeat the Cherufe without breaking any of its hands
1 player