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The Jackbox Party Pack 6 PS4

The Jackbox Party Pack 6

It's the wildest Party Pack yet, with the absurd deathmatch Trivia Murder Party 2, the weird word circus Dictionarium, the hidden identity game Push The Button, the comedy contest Joke Boat and the offbeat personality test Role Models.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Jackbox Games
Publisher: Jackbox Games
  • 20 Trophy bronze icon
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Trivia Murder Party 2: Me and My Dad
Adjustment pixel Trivia Murder Party 2: Me and My Dad: Survive the game (and then some) while wearing Father's Hat
Trivia Murder Party 2: Runaways
Adjustment pixel Trivia Murder Party 2: Runaways: Win a game as the audience
Trivia Murder Party 2: Quiplash!
Adjustment pixel Trivia Murder Party 2: Quiplash!: Get all the votes in an old favorite
Trivia Murder Party 2: Password (un)Protected
Adjustment pixel Trivia Murder Party 2: Password (un)Protected: Crack someone's password
Role Models: Majorities Rule
Adjustment pixel Role Models: Majorities Rule: All players get a role without tiebreakers in a 6 player game
Role Models: Know Thyself
Adjustment pixel Role Models: Know Thyself: Get a role you doubled down on
Role Models: That Ain't Me
Adjustment pixel Role Models: That Ain't Me: Everyone but you chooses you for a role
Role Models: Unclassifiable
Adjustment pixel Role Models: Unclassifiable: Get a consolation role
Joke Boat: Killed It
Adjustment pixel Joke Boat: Killed It: Win every matchup
Joke Boat: So brave
Adjustment pixel Joke Boat: So brave: You elect to perform every joke
Joke Boat: Giant Slayer
Adjustment pixel Joke Boat: Giant Slayer: You beat a joke that previously received unanimous votes in a 5-8 player game
Joke Boat: Punching Down
Adjustment pixel Joke Boat: Punching Down: Compete against a joke that previously received zero points
Dictionarium: Divinely Defined
Adjustment pixel Dictionarium: Divinely Defined: Your definition gets all the player votes and 90% of the audience
Dictionarium: Run-On
Adjustment pixel Dictionarium: Run-On: Write a sentence in Round 3 that uses the entire character limit
Dictionarium: I Wrote the Book
Adjustment pixel Dictionarium: I Wrote the Book: Win all three rounds in a 3-5 player game
Dictionarium: Mucus Ranch
Adjustment pixel Dictionarium: Mucus Ranch: Use the phrase "mucus ranch" and win a round with it
Push the Button: No Hit, Sherlock
Adjustment pixel Push the Button: No Hit, Sherlock: Aliens win in under five minutes
Push the Button: Almost got ‘em
Adjustment pixel Push the Button: Almost got ‘em: The aliens win the game after a failed vote where they were properly isolated
Push the Button: Hacked Off
Adjustment pixel Push the Button: Hacked Off: Aliens win without using hacks
Push the Button: Skin of Your Teeth
Adjustment pixel Push the Button: Skin of Your Teeth: Humans win with one second or less remaining on the clock
13 players