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Skydive: Proximity Flight PS3

Skydive: Proximity Flight

Skydive: Proximity Flight lets players fly through the air by simply waving their arms and maneuvering their bodies using accurate and immersive motion controls. Realistic graphics, precise sounds, and stunning aerial landscapes provide exhilarating skydiving experience.

Skydive players can learn the mid-air tricks of professional skydivers and also make up their own tricks, either solo or with friends. Best of all, Skydive: Proximity Flight makes it possible for wide audience to enjoy the intense adrenaline rush of wingsuit flying—without the real-world safety risks.
  • US October 1, 2013
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Gaijin Entertainment
Publisher: Gaijin Entertainment
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