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Badland Game of the Year Edition PS3

Badland Game of the Year Edition

BADLAND Game of the Year Edition is a multi-award-winning side-scrolling action adventure game with innovative physics-based gameplay, deviously creative levels and stunning atmospheric graphics and audio. BADLAND: Game of the Year Edition is redesigned for the consoles and Steam and builds on the beautiful, hand-painted graphics of the original with enhanced Full-HD visuals. The controls have been expanded for the analog stick and triggers, a change that each level of the game has been carefully tuned to accommodate. The Game of the Year Edition features over 4 times more content than the original did when it was launched. It has over 15 hours and 100 levels of single-player story content and 100 co-op and 27 multiplayer death-match stages in an up-to-four-person local multiplayer mode.
  • US May 26, 2015
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon
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Developer: Frogmind
Publisher: Frogmind
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