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Skullgirls Encore PS3

Skullgirls Encore

Set in the Canopy Kingdom, Skullgirls tells the tale of eight female warriors as they fight to reclaim a wish-granting artifact known as the "Skull Heart" from the monstrous Skullgirl. As legend has it, every seven years this enigmatic Skull Heart grants a wish to a young woman... but this power can come at a terrible price. If her heart is impure, her wish will be twisted and she herself will be transformed into a Skullgirl.
Developed by newcomer Reverge Labs, Skullgirls is a fast-paced 2D fighting game. Starring a cast of feisty female warriors, Skullgirls is a multi-layered fighter featuring all-new game systems for veteran fighting game fans while also making the intimidating genre enjoyable and accessible to the casual gamer.
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Reverge Labs
Publisher: Konami
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