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Magma PS4


Frantic action and challenging foe all the way in this twin stick, bullet hell, rogue inspired, 16-bit 90's themed retro shooter
  • US December 19, 2022
  • EU December 19, 2022
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Nellyvision
Publisher: Nellyvision
  • 7 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Trophy Hunter!
Adjustment pixel Trophy Hunter!: Earn all the Bronze, Silver and Gold Trophies!
FAB Power
Adjustment pixel FAB Power: Grab your first FAB loot
Adjustment pixel Deactivator: Kill 50 Drones
Pest Control
Adjustment pixel Pest Control: Clear 20 levels
Recycling Centre
Adjustment pixel Recycling Centre: Destroy 100 dead Drones
Money Shot
Adjustment pixel Money Shot: Kill 100 Drones in Slow-mo
Angel of Death
Adjustment pixel Angel of Death: Kill 20 Drones in 10 ten seconds
Brink of Death
Adjustment pixel Brink of Death: Start a level with under 10% Energy and finish it in one piece
Range Anxiety
Adjustment pixel Range Anxiety: Forget to recharge your Energy when it's in the red in the workshop
Adjustment pixel Untouchable: Finish a level with no damage, from Drones or the Environment
Eye for an Eye
Adjustment pixel Eye for an Eye: Revenge the level Bosses who previously killed you
Poke in the Eye
Adjustment pixel Poke in the Eye: Kill a Boss without using Boost
Eye like it!
Adjustment pixel Eye like it!: Kill a Boss in under ten seconds
Lit up like Tesla
Adjustment pixel Lit up like Tesla: Soak up 60 seconds of static shock
Laser Lazarus
Adjustment pixel Laser Lazarus: Bask in 60 seconds of Laser Heat
Adjustment pixel Iliad: Outrun 100 Homer Shots, don't let them hit the walls...
Adjustment pixel Odyssey: Force 100 Homer Shots to hit something... that's not you
Penultimate Pie
Adjustment pixel Penultimate Pie: Beat the penultimate level
Final Destination
Adjustment pixel Final Destination: Beat Level Zero & reach Surface Station
Ultimate Ultimate Weapon
Adjustment pixel Ultimate Ultimate Weapon: Get all blueprints and Fully Upgrade Boost, Turret and Mining Coils
No U Turns
Adjustment pixel No U Turns: Finish the game without turning back
Soft Clocks
Adjustment pixel Soft Clocks: Slow-mo a whole level, from when you get through the doors to when you get out the exit
Ego Boost
Adjustment pixel Ego Boost: Boost a whole level, stay boosted from when you get through the doors until you get through the exit
Fully Operational
Adjustment pixel Fully Operational: Fully Upgrade everything! You will need all the blueprints from Core Station to do this
Hyper Space Bypass
Adjustment pixel Hyper Space Bypass: Jump Drive 100Km (62 miles)
Sneak Attack
Adjustment pixel Sneak Attack: Jump through walls and kill at least one drone immediately for a surprise attack, do that 50 times to earn this Trophy
All is Lost (for the Drones)
Adjustment pixel All is Lost (for the Drones): Kill every Drone in an entire playthrough
Eyes in the Dark
Adjustment pixel Eyes in the Dark: Kill 25 Stealth Drones
1 player