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RiffTrax: The Game PS4

RiffTrax: The Game

RiffTrax: The Game is a multiplayer party game where players compete to make bad movies funny. Do you have what it takes to be the next movie riffing genius? Grab your friends and make fun of some of the worst cinematic abominations ever created.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Wide Right Interactive
Publisher: Wide Right Interactive
  • 18 Trophy bronze icon
  • 6 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
The Full RiffTrax Library
Adjustment pixel The Full RiffTrax Library: Earn all the trophies!
First Time Writer
Adjustment pixel First Time Writer: Write your first riff in Write-a-Riff mode.
First Time Picker
Adjustment pixel First Time Picker: Pick your first riff in Pick-a-Riff mode.
Don't Be A Bungle
Adjustment pixel Don't Be A Bungle: Receive no votes in a round.
Hi, Bob Executive!
Adjustment pixel Hi, Bob Executive!: Receive all of the votes in a round.
More Dangerous Than Dynamite!
Adjustment pixel More Dangerous Than Dynamite!: Win every round of a game!
No Character Limit
Adjustment pixel No Character Limit: Win a round with a riff that is at least 90 characters long.
Word Mincer
Adjustment pixel Word Mincer: Win a round with a one word answer.
Foley Artist
Adjustment pixel Foley Artist: Use a sound effect in your riff in Write-a-Riff mode.
Aspiring Writer
Adjustment pixel Aspiring Writer: Complete a game in Write-a-Riff mode.
Aspiring Picker
Adjustment pixel Aspiring Picker: Complete a game in Pick-a-Riff mode.
Adjustment pixel Decuple!: Finish a game with the maximum number of rounds.
Adjustment pixel QuickTrax: Submit a riff within 5 seconds.
Adjustment pixel LateTrax: Submit a riff at the last second.
The Riffing Turkey
Adjustment pixel The Riffing Turkey: Win three games in a row.
Explicit Choice
Adjustment pixel Explicit Choice: Play a game with the Bad Word Filter on.
The Norman Krasner
Adjustment pixel The Norman Krasner: Receive no votes for an entire game.
Adjustment pixel Synchronicity: Multiple players enter the same riff in a round.
Adjustment pixel Onomatopoeia: Submit a riff in Write-a-Riff mode that's only sound effects.
Adjustment pixel Self-Plagiarism: Win more than one round of a game using the same riff.
Professional Jokes
Adjustment pixel Professional Jokes: Use "Get New Riffs" within a Pick-a-Riff game.
The Ole Double Deuce
Adjustment pixel The Ole Double Deuce: Win a game with double the points of second place.
Have A Roni
Adjustment pixel Have A Roni: Win a game after being in last place at the start of the final round.
Super Traxian
Adjustment pixel Super Traxian: Play five games
Ultra Traxian
Adjustment pixel Ultra Traxian: Play ten games
Tobor is Robot spelled backwards
Adjustment pixel Tobor is Robot spelled backwards: Vote for the Riff Bot's riff.
Disembaudio's Revenge
Adjustment pixel Disembaudio's Revenge: The Riff Bot wins a game.
RiffTrax Party!
Adjustment pixel RiffTrax Party!: Play two games in a row with the same players
Friends Through Eternity
Adjustment pixel Friends Through Eternity: Play five games in a row with the same players.
Verbal Communication Made Easy!
Adjustment pixel Verbal Communication Made Easy!: Submit a riff using a non-English text to speech language.
Leave it to the Professionals
Adjustment pixel Leave it to the Professionals: Use the "Riff For Me" option in every round of Write-a-Riff mode.
3 players