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‘The Last of Us’ campaign is Single Player only

Criticism about game franchises announcing Co-op modes to their campaigns is a hot potato right now. I’m looking at you Dead Space 3. Developer Naughty Dog, creators of the Uncharted series, went the opposite way with their new survival horror experience The Last of Us. In an interview with Gaming Examiner, Creative Director Neil Druckman talked about the multiplayer offering:

We’re not ready to talk about the details of how multiplayer will be implemented, however we can say that it is not co-op within the main campaign.

Interestingly though, this confirms there will be some kind of multiplayer incorporated into the campaign. It’s anyone’s guess how this will be implemented but having the crafting system as a vital mechanic in the game, what if you could access the black market in the various safe zones and trade items with other players online? There is also the route that From Software took (developers of Demon’s Souls) of being able to leave messages or tips around the environment to help out (or troll) players reaching that point in the game.

What do you think they’ll do with the multiplayer component?


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