PlayStation Vita sale on PSN (EU) – Week 2/3

Sony is still rolling out new sales for the PlayStation Vita on PSN.
Did you find the launch prices too expensive? Maybe you should check out the discount list for this week!

Army Corps of Hell
€26.99/£21.99  €39.99/£34.99

Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend
€26.99/£21.99  €39.99/£34.99

Little Deviants
€10.99/£8.99  €14.99/£11.99

Modnation Racers: Road Trip
€10.99/£8.99  €14.99/£11.99

Rayman Origins
€24.99/£19.99  €34.99/£29.99

Reality Fighters
€10.99/£8.99  €14.99/£11.99

Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen
€19.99/£16.99  €39.99/£34.99

Touch My Katamari
€14.99/£11.99  €29.99/£24.99

Unit 13
€24.99/£19.99  €34.99/£29.99 

Check the PlayStation Blog for more goodies.

  1. stoned dFUSE says:

    I’m definitely picking up Army Corps of Hell and Katamari now!

  2. stoned Baj says:

    I want Unit 13. Just not sure it’s cheap enough. I only hear good things about it though so maybe just stop being cheap myself.

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