The Last of Us multiplayer info & screenshots


In The Last of Us, Decades after the initial Cordyceps outbreak, and the decimation of the population, if you’re not infected, then you’re left fighting for scraps to survive. And unfortunately for you, there are many others like you doing the same for resources, no matter the cost. However, banding together with other survivors gives you the strength in numbers and a better chance to survive, the best way to stay alive. And the best and only way is to take the lives of those that seek to take yours. Whether you side with the Fireflies or the Hunters means little. What matters is how hard you try to keep your clan healthy by securing supplies and making it back alive.


There is a robust clan system where you send them out on missions for supplies or rescue other survivors and train them to repel or attack Infected and Marauders. Clan members can die from an attack, starvation or sickness. They can also become infected. Members will join your clan depending on the matches you win, the supplies you have and attacks you repel.


• Assault
• Sniper
• Support
• Stealth

Gameplay Modes

Supply Raid
You and your team of survivors must survey the area and find supplies for you and your arsenal. In addition, feed and nourish the sick and unhealthy members of your faction or clan. Each map is designed for stealth and stealthy tactics. Supply chests are out in the open and dangerous to approach without teammate, however it contains supplies vital for you and your clan.

Survival is the key and teamwork is a optional factor. You must eliminate everyone else until you are left standing at the end of the match. It is a best of seven rounds format and supplies go to the team that wins four of seven rounds by having the last man or woman standing. There’s no respawning and you can buy weapons and ammo between rounds.

Survival Raid
There is a set number of lives both teams have and the first team that reduces the other teams lives to zero wins. You will continue to respawn until your teams number reaches zero. Betwwen respawns, supplies you collected carry over.

“Survival Pack” Pre-Order Bonus

• Bonus Experience Points
• Multiplayer Melee Attack Booster
• In Game Currency for Multiplayer Characters
• Special Customizable Items for Multiplayer
• Bonus Skins for Joel & Ellie (available once singleplayer is completed)

  1. dFUSE JimmyHACK says:

    Fireflies or lose!

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