Heads will roll in Assassin’s Creed Unity

Ubisoft has announced the next game in their slightly over saturated yet hugely popular franchise Assassin’s Creed. It carries the name Unity and it is not a game engine. Sorry for the confusion. This time around we’ll be taking a trip to Paris during the french revolution.

We have been working on the new Assassin’s Creed for more than three years, and wanted to find the perfect time to give you an early taste of the game. Apparently though, the Templar Order was hungry to know more right now. To this, we say “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche!” (“Let them eat cake!”). Help yourself to a serving of the first official footage from the next-gen only Assassin’s Creed: Unity. Stay tuned – we’ll have many more exciting details for you in the future.Ubisoft

Check out the trailer below for a sneak peek.



  1. Bård A. Johnsen dFUSE says:

    Oooooh shit!

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