We Just Played: Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space (PS4)

You would think that 43 minutes would show a fair amount of Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space, instead I’m left feeling slightly dumb as I spend 20 minutes in the first room alone. To my defense I had to struggle with slightly clunky controls and what I would call an unintuitive interface. Maybe I’m spoiled by adventure games which fills in what object I’m trying to interact another object with as I hover them in the scene. That’s what I get for skipping the whole how-to-play-part, right?

Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space seems weird and slightly interesting behind its extremely noisy exterior, horrible voice acting and bad controls, so I’ll keep dabbling with it for a bit to see what I’m in for next. If you’re on the fence, have a look at the video below while you laugh out loud at my expense. It’s fine, I promise you.

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