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Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Vita

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds

The mysterious man known as Phantom has lost his dark powers, but works behind the scenes to regain them. He gives young women armor known as "Fu-mantion Artifacts" and promises to grant their wishes if they are victorious in battle. However, each time an F.A. strikes, it damages the space-time continuum; with enough cracks, Phantom's full power will be unsealed.

Waka Kumon, whose family is tasked with protecting the world against Phantom, and college student Mikoto Nishina attempt to stop Phantom's plot; however, Phantom escapes with Waka's little sister Nagi. Waka and Mikoto, along with aspiring hero Itsuki Kouno and high-school ninja Yuzuha Fujibayashi, rush to rescue Nagi and prevent Phantom's plan from succeeding.
  • US August 12, 2014
  • EU July 30, 2014
  • JP March 13, 2014
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Division2
Publisher: 5pb

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