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The Guided Fate Paradox PS3

The Guided Fate Paradox

The Guided Fate Paradox: Once upon a time, there was a boy named Renyawho wasn't very lucky. One day, as he was walked through the local mall, a girl in a maid costume beckoned for him to try his hand at a lottery. Hesitantly, Renyamade his way over to the device and turned the crank, wholly expecting his usual poor luck to kick in and for him to win nothing. However, this time, something was different. This time, Renyawon the Grand Prize. And the Grand to become God...
  • US November 5, 2013
  • EU October 25, 2013
  • JP January 24, 2013
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Imageepoch
Publisher: NIS America

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