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Monochrome Order PS4

Monochrome Order

Guide the world toward the right direction through Judgments in a fantasy RPG with multiple endings. Your Judgments will greatly affect the story and your character's role in both good and evil paths. As there are multiple endings, explore different routes to guide the world toward the right direction.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Hit Point
Publisher: Kemco
  • 21 Trophy bronze icon
  • 10 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Total Domination!
Adjustment pixel Total Domination!: Obtained all the trophies.
Fledgling Arbiter
Adjustment pixel Fledgling Arbiter: Completed 3 Judgments.
Famous Arbiter
Adjustment pixel Famous Arbiter: Completed 10 Judgments.
Peerless Arbiter
Adjustment pixel Peerless Arbiter: Completed 20 Judgments.
Legendary Arbiter
Adjustment pixel Legendary Arbiter: Completed 30 Judgments.
Adjustment pixel Hunter: Won 10 battles.
Adjustment pixel Monster-Basher: Won 50 battles.
Seasoned Veteran
Adjustment pixel Seasoned Veteran: Won 100 battles.
Bringer of Death
Adjustment pixel Bringer of Death: Won 250 battles.
Good Friend
Adjustment pixel Good Friend: Gained 3 party members.
Close Friend
Adjustment pixel Close Friend: Gained 5 party members.
Strong Bond
Adjustment pixel Strong Bond: Gained 7 party members.
Sworn Allies
Adjustment pixel Sworn Allies: Gained 10 party members.
Most Popular Man in Town
Adjustment pixel Most Popular Man in Town: Fame has risen to 30 or higher.
Symbol of Disgust
Adjustment pixel Symbol of Disgust: Fame has fallen to -30 or lower.
A Sound World
Adjustment pixel A Sound World: Peace has risen to 30 or higher.
Slum Full of Thugs
Adjustment pixel Slum Full of Thugs: Peace has fallen to -30 or lower.
Roaring Business
Adjustment pixel Roaring Business: Economy has risen to 30 or higher.
Adjustment pixel Deserted: Economy has fallen to -30 or lower.
Slowly But Surely
Adjustment pixel Slowly But Surely: Gained 1,000G.
Adjustment pixel Upstart: Gained 100,000G.
Adjustment pixel Millionaire: Gained 200,000G.
To Battle!
Adjustment pixel To Battle!: Tempered a weapon to Lv. 15.
Say Hello to My Little Friend!
Adjustment pixel Say Hello to My Little Friend!: Tempered a weapon to Lv. 35.
Together Forever
Adjustment pixel Together Forever: Tempered a weapon to Lv. 50.
Adjustment pixel Calamititan: Defeated Calamititan.
The Betrayer
Adjustment pixel The Betrayer: Defeated the Betrayer.
Adjustment pixel Anarchaos: Defeated Anarchaos.
Despair Dragon
Adjustment pixel Despair Dragon: Defeated Despair Dragon.
Adjustment pixel Hero: Defeated all boss enemies.
A New Order
Adjustment pixel A New Order: Cleared the ending "A New Order."
Divine Enemy Protector
Adjustment pixel Divine Enemy Protector: Cleared the ending "Divine Enemy Protector."
An Organization in Pieces
Adjustment pixel An Organization in Pieces: Cleared the ending "An Organization in Pieces."
Inevitable Destruction
Adjustment pixel Inevitable Destruction: Cleared the ending "Inevitable Destruction."
Dragon's Pardon
Adjustment pixel Dragon's Pardon: Cleared the ending "Dragon's Pardon."
Leader of Creation
Adjustment pixel Leader of Creation: Cleared all endings.
9 players