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Tank Mechanic Simulator PS4

Tank Mechanic Simulator

Renovate & build II World War tanks. Experience highly detailed & realistic simulation game. Take tanks fully apart by using different tools. Transform them from rusty and ruined to fully working. Check them on the training ground, sell or put into your own museum.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: DeGenerals
Publisher: DeGenerals
  • 52 Trophy bronze icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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True tank mechanic
Adjustment pixel True tank mechanic: Unlock all trophies.
Rookie mechanic
Adjustment pixel Rookie mechanic: You've finished Your first contract!
Advanced mechanic
Adjustment pixel Advanced mechanic: You've finished Your 10th contract!
Expert mechanic
Adjustment pixel Expert mechanic: You've finished Your 25th contract!
The Best mechanic.
Adjustment pixel The Best mechanic.: You've finished Your 50th contract!
Don't panic
Adjustment pixel Don't panic: You've failed Your first contract.
It's bad.
Adjustment pixel It's bad.: You've failed Your 10th contract.
It's even worse now.
Adjustment pixel It's even worse now.: You've failed Your 25th contract.
Bail out.
Adjustment pixel Bail out.: You've failed Your 50th contract.
Rookie renovator
Adjustment pixel Rookie renovator: You've renovated Your first tank!
Advanced renovator
Adjustment pixel Advanced renovator: You're renovated Your 10th tank!
Expert renovator
Adjustment pixel Expert renovator: You're renovated Your 25th tank!
The Best renovator.
Adjustment pixel The Best renovator.: You're renovated Your 50th tank!
Rookie digger
Adjustment pixel Rookie digger: You've extracted Your first tank!
Advanced digger
Adjustment pixel Advanced digger: You've extracted Your 10th tank!
Expert digger
Adjustment pixel Expert digger: You've extracted Your 25th tank!
The Best digger.
Adjustment pixel The Best digger.: You've extracted Your 50th tank!
Rookie cutter
Adjustment pixel Rookie cutter: You've cut off Your first element!
Advanced cutter
Adjustment pixel Advanced cutter: You've cut off Your 50th element!
Expert cutter
Adjustment pixel Expert cutter: You've cut off Your 100th element!
The Best cutter.
Adjustment pixel The Best cutter.: You've cut off Your 500th element!
Rookie smasher
Adjustment pixel Rookie smasher: You've hammered Your first element!
Advanced smasher
Adjustment pixel Advanced smasher: You've hammered Your 50th element!
Expert smasher
Adjustment pixel Expert smasher: You've hammered Your 100th element!
The Best smasher.
Adjustment pixel The Best smasher.: You've hammered Your 500th element!
What do we have here?
Adjustment pixel What do we have here?: You've found the tank with shovel!
Need a little help here...
Adjustment pixel Need a little help here...: You've called the towing service.
Lift it up
Adjustment pixel Lift it up: You've moved a tank module from tank.
Put it back
Adjustment pixel Put it back: You've put a tank module back on the tank.
I have a better place for You.
Adjustment pixel I have a better place for You.: You've switched tank position.
It's show time.
Adjustment pixel It's show time.: You've moved the tank to the museum.
Hop in!
Adjustment pixel Hop in!: You've entered the tank.
Small dream come true!
Adjustment pixel Small dream come true!: You've found a WW2 treasure!
Here's Your place!
Adjustment pixel Here's Your place!: You've mounted a prop into a tank.
Make a stash.
Adjustment pixel Make a stash.: You've taken a loan.
One burden less.
Adjustment pixel One burden less.: You've paid off a loan.
To have or not to have
Adjustment pixel To have or not to have: You've bought an element.
Freeing up some space
Adjustment pixel Freeing up some space: You've sold an element.
Making the world green.
Adjustment pixel Making the world green.: You've recycled an element.
Now it will work.
Adjustment pixel Now it will work.: You've repaired an element.
Adjustment pixel ;): You've found an ancient treasure.
Tigers new teeth
Adjustment pixel Tigers new teeth: You've fully renovated Tiger I
Make tanks great again
Adjustment pixel Make tanks great again: You've fully renovated Sherman M4A3E8
Lovely side skirts
Adjustment pixel Lovely side skirts: You've fully renovated Panzer III M
It's not scrap metal!
Adjustment pixel It's not scrap metal!: You've fully renovated KV-1
Tough guy
Adjustment pixel Tough guy: You've fully renovated M26 Pershing
Derp tank
Adjustment pixel Derp tank: You've fully renovated KV-2
Rudy 102
Adjustment pixel Rudy 102: You've fully renovated T34-85
Russian bias
Adjustment pixel Russian bias: You've fully renovated T34-76
Adjustment pixel Underdog: You've fully renovated Panzer III J
Stug life
Adjustment pixel Stug life: You've fully renovated Stug40 Aufs. G
Adjustment pixel Workhorse: You've fully renovated Panzer IV G
Open top
Adjustment pixel Open top: You've fully renovated M10 Wolverine
Wild cat
Adjustment pixel Wild cat: You've fully renovated Panther
Infantry support
Adjustment pixel Infantry support: You've fully renovated Sdkfz 251
Half-track beauty
Adjustment pixel Half-track beauty: You've fully renovated M3 Halftrack
3 players